"This is literally exactly what I need!! I have been having so many neck and upper back problems this will be wonderful."

-- Stephanie

Made with 100% cotton

100% Cotton

Cozy Fox Flax Wraps & Eye pillows are made from 100% cotton. Not only is the material soft and gentle on the skin but has been designed to ensure long product life.

~ Supporting an Eco-Friendly Earth


Hand-Made in CA

Like for so many other families the Covid-19 pandemic has made an impact. In an effort to help supplement our family income my aunt offered to share her 14 years of experience to help me embark on creating a new home business. Thus Cozy Fox Products was born along with Quality Flaxseed Wraps & Eye Pillows.

~ Supporting Family

Only food-grade flax seed

Food-Grade Flaxseed

Whole Flaxseed provides a gentle, moist heat which promotes healing. Flaxseeds are flower seeds, rather than grains, so they contain 30-40% oil which remains inside the seed to be warmed again and again. Other products lose their ability to retain heat as the water cooks out of them over time.

~ Supporting Our Environment

Comfort & Care from Head to Toe

Cozy Fox Flaxseed Wraps are perfect for relieving everything from sore necks to achy feet. On cold nights it’s a treat to slide into bed with warm toes!

  • Whole flaxseed provides a gentle, moist heat which promotes healing.
  • Flaxseeds are flower seeds, rather than grains, so they contain 30-40% oil which remains inside the seed to be warmed again and again. Other products lose their ability to retain heat as the water cooks out of them over time.
  • When heated, flaxseed pillows retain half their heat after an hour. Under covers (think about those toes…) the pillow will still be warm hours later.
  • Flaxseed never has that “cooked grain” smell other grain based products have when heated over and over again.
  • The weight of flaxseed is gentle and comforting.
  • Flaxseed Wraps & Pillows can also be chilled in the freezer to soothe fevers or slight inflammations, though they don’t get cold enough to provide the numbness needed for things like sprains and back injuries.